Input files

This chapter provides an overview on the necessary input files to run the EMEP/MSC-W model. A complete set of input files is provided as part of the EMEP/MSC-W Open Source release to allow model runs for the meteorological year 2015. Table 2 lists the input files.

In the latest release, meteorology is provided for 2 different model domains and resolutions:

  • EECCA domain with a horizontal resolution of 50x50 km2 (at 60°N), on polar stereographic projection, and 20 vertical levels;
  • EMEP01 domain with a 0.1x0.1 degrees on long-lat projection, and 34 vertical levels.

Download the input via the catalog tool (sec-ModelCode) as follows:

# download 2015 meteorology for the EECCA domain -R rv4_15 --meteo --met-domain EECCA

# download 2015 meteorology for the EMEP01 domain -R rv4_15 --meteo --met-domain EMEP01

# download other input files -R rv4_15 --input

The meteorology files will be placed under EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/meteo2015/, and the remaining input files will be placed under EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/input/

This are all input files needed to run the EMEP/MSC-W model, except the aircraft emissions (, and forest fire emissions ( See sections emisair and emisff for details about these emissions data.

The input data available in the EMEP/MSC-W Open Source Web site should be appropriately acknowledged when used for model runs. If nothing else is specified according to references further in this chapter, please acknowledge EMEP/MSC-W in any use of these data.
Table 2 List of input data files
Data Name Format
Meteorology data met/  
Meteorology (365+1 files) netCDF [1]
Other Input files input/  
Global Ozone netCDF
New Global Ozone netCDF [2]
BVOC emissions netCDF
Landuse and netCDF
Degree-day factor netCDF
N depositions netCDF
Road dust and netCDF [3]
Aircraft emissions netCDF [3]
Surface Pressure netCDF [3]
Forest Fire netCDF [3]
Dust files netCDF [3] netCDF [3]
Emissions emislist.POLL (7 files, EMEP 50km PS grid) ASCII [4] (regional, \(0.125\times 0.0625\) lon-lat) netCDF [3] (global, \(0.5\times 0.5\) lon-lat) netCDF [3]
Vertical level distribution Vertical_levels.txt ASCII
Time factors for monthly emissions MonthlyFac.POLL (7 files) ASCII [4]
Time factors for daily emissions DailyFac.POLL (7 files) ASCII [4]
Time factors for hourly emissions HOURLY-FACS ASCII
Emission heights EmisHeights.txt ASCII
Natural SO2 natso2MM.dat (12 files) ASCII [1]
Volcanoes columnsource_emission.csv ASCII
  columnsource_location.csv ASCII
Lightning emissions lightningMM.dat (12 files) ASCII [1]
Emissions speciation emissplit.defaults.POLL ASCII [4]
  emissplit.specials.POLL ASCII [4] [3]
Emission factors for scenario runs femis.dat ASCII
Photo-dissociation rates jclearSS.dat (4 files) ASCII [5]
  jcl1kmSS.dat (4 files) and jcl1.jun ASCII [5]
  jcl3kmSS.dat (4 files) and jcl3.jun ASCII [5]
Landuse definitions Inputs_LandDefs.csv ASCII
Stomatal conductance Inputs_DO3SE.csv ASCII
Sites locations for surface output sites.dat ASCII
Sondes locations for vertical output sondes.dat ASCII


[1](1, 2, 3) YYYY: year, MM: month, DD: day.
[2]New O3 boundary condition data in 30 levels. Can be used with NewLogan=.true. in BoundaryConditions_ml.f90.
[3](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Optional, in most cases.
[4](1, 2, 3, 4, 5) POLL: pollutant type (NH3, CO, NOx, SOx, NMVOC, PM2.5 and PMco).
[5](1, 2, 3) SS: seasons.

NetCDF files


The daily meteorological input data (, where YYYY is year, MM is month and DD is day) used for the EMEP/MSC-W Model are based on forecast experiment runs with the Integrated Forecast System (IFS), a global operational forecasting model from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

The IFS forecasts has been run by MSC-W as independent experiments on the HPCs at ECMWF with special requests on some output parameters. The meteorological fields are retrieved on a \(0.1^\circ\times 0.1^\circ\) longitude latitude coordinates and interpolated to \(50\times 50 km^2\) polar-stereographic grid projection. Vertically, the fields on 60 eta (\(\eta\)) levels from the IFS model are interpolated onto the 37 EMEP sigma (\(\sigma\)) levels. The meteorology is prepared into 37 sigma levels since the model is under test for a finer vertical resolution.

The open source code is released with 20 sigma levels and to make the model read the meteorology properly, a description of the 20 vertical sigma levels is needed. This is provided in an ASCII file called Vertical_levels.txt together with the other input data (Table 2). The version of the IFS model used for preparing these fields, Cycle 38r2, is documented in Previous years are based on Cycle 36r1 with a resolution of \(0.2^\circ\times 0.2^\circ\) on a spherical grid. Meteorological fields currently used for EMEP/MSC-W Model runs are given in Table 3. Some verification and description of these meteorological fields are given in Chapter 2 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2016.

Table 3 Input meteorological data used in the EMEP/MSC-W Model
Parameter Unit Description
3D fields   for 37 \(\sigma\)
\(u, v\) \(m/s\) Horizontal wind velocity components
\(q\) \(kg/kg\) Specific humidity
\(\theta\) \(K\) Potential temperature
\(CW\) \(kg/kg\) Cloud water
\(CL\) \(\%\) 3D Cloud cover
\(cnvuf\) \(kg/sm^2\) Convective updraft flux
\(cnvdf\) \(kg/sm^2\) Convective downdraft flux
\(PR\) \(mm\) Precipitation
2D fields   for surface
\(PS\) \(hPa\) Surface pressure
\(T2\) \(K\) Temperature at \(2 m\) height
\(Rh2\) \(\%\) Relative humidity at \(2 m\) height
\(SH\) \(W/m^2\) Surface flux of sensible heat
\(LH\) \(W/m^2\) Surface flux of latent heat
\(\tau\) \(N/m^2\) Surface stress
\(SST\) \(K\) Sea surface temperature
\(SWC\) \(m^3/m^3\) Soil water content
\(lspr\) \(m\) Large scale precipitation
\(cpr\) \(m\) Convective precipitation
\(sdepth\) \(m\) Snow depth
\(ice\) \(\%\) Fraction of ice
\(SMI1\)   Soil moisture index level 1
\(SMI3\)   Soil moisture index level 3
\(u10, v10\) \(m/s\) Wind at \(10 m\) height

Gridded emissions

Since 2015 different formats of gridded emissions can be used and mixed (with some restrictions) under one common framework. The different formats that are presently supported are:

“Old style” ASCII emissions format:

Total yearly emissions.

The gridded emission files contain 16 columns where the first column represents the country code (, the second and the third columns are the \(i\) and \(j\) indices of the EMEP grid, the fourth and fifth columns are the total emissions from low and high sources, and the last 11 columns contain emissions from 10 anthropogenic SNAP sectors.

The advantage of the ASCII emissions format, is that they are easy to modify, and the interpretation of the numbers is straightforward. The main disadvantage of the ASCII emissions format, is that they are only valid for one specific grid projection. Visualization of these emissions, needs also some more efforts.

Countrywise NetCDF emissions:

Yearly totals.

Each country and sector has its own NetCDF field.

The main advantage of NetCDF emissions is that all the information about the data (projection, units) is given in the same file. This allows the code to reproject the emissions to any grid projection on the fly. It is easy to visualize the emissions of one country with simple tools, like ncview. The data is simple to interpret and it is possible to add new countries to an existing file (with appropriate tools).

The disadvantage of countrywise NetCDF emissions, is that there are quite a large number of fields, with most of the data being zero. NetCDF will compress the data, but it will still take some time for the model to read all the data.

“Fraction type” NetCDF emissions:

Yearly totals.

The total emissions are stored in one gridded map, and in addition information about which country the emission belongs to.

The main advantage of “fraction type” NetCDF emissions, is that they will keep the grid flexibility, have a more compact form and be faster to read in.

The disadvantage is that the interpretation of the content of the fields is more difficult and it is hard, for instance, to add a new country to the file. Total emissions and coverage of countries can easily be visualized, but not emissions from one single country.

Description of main fields for “fraction type” NetCDF Emissions Table 4

Table 4 Description of main fields for “fraction type” NetCDF Emissions
Variable name Description
Ncodes Number of countries sharing the same grid cell
poll_secNN Pollutant from each sector
Codes Country code number
fractions_poll_secNN Fraction of emissions to assign to one country
Monthly “fraction type” NetCDF emissions.

This is similar to the yearly “fraction type” NetCDF emissions, but there are 12 monthly values for each field. This format cannot be combined with other formats.

Using and combining gridded emissions

These gridded emission files are controlled via the config_emep.nml file. Each file is assigned as one set of values for emis_inputlist. Listing 1 line 1 includes an ASCII emission file, where the keyword POLL will be replaced by the model by all the emitted pollutants (according to the names defined in An additional NetCDF emission is included in line 2.

Now all emissions from both ASCII file and NetCDF file will be used. In practice some countries might be counted twice. Therefore some new data can be included in the emis_inputlist, to specify which countries to keep or to avoid. Listing 1 lines 3–4 will include only ‘NO’, ‘SE’ and ‘FI’ from the first file (ASCII), and take all countries except ‘NO’, ‘SE’ and ‘FI’ from the second file (NetCDF).

Sets of countries can in principle be defined; for now only the set ‘EUMACC2’ is defined.

Listing 1 Mixed emission configuration example.
emis_inputlist(1)%name = '/MyPathToEmissions/emislist.POLL',
emis_inputlist(2)%name = '/MyPathToEmissions/',
emis_inputlist(1)%incl(1:) = 'NO','SE','FI',
emis_inputlist(2)%excl(1:) = 'NO','SE','FI',
emis_inputlist(1)%PollName(1:2) = 'voc','sox',

It is also possible to restrict the number of pollutants from each of the files. If not all pollutants from are to be read, one can specify a list of pollutants to be included using “PollName”. For instance in the example above , the last line specifies that emissions will include only VOC and SOx from the file defined by emis_inputlist(1)%name. If PollName is not specified at all, all pollutants are included (therefore all pollutants from emis_inputlist(2)%name will be included). The specified pollutants must already be defined in

Global Ozone

Initial concentration of ozone are required in order to initialize the model runs. Boundary conditions along the sides of the model domain and at the top of the domain are then required as the model is running.

The file contains monthly averaged fields in NetCDF format. The initial and background concentrations are based on the Logan (1998) climatology. The Logan climatology is scaled on run time according to the Mace Head measurements as described in Simpson et al. (2003). For a number of other species, background/initial conditions are set within the model using functions based on observations (Simpson et al., 2003 and Fagerli et al., 2004).

BVOC emissions

Biogenic emissions of isoprene and monoterpene are calculated in the model as a function of temperature and solar radiation, using the landuse datasets. The light and temperature dependencies are similar to those used in the original open source model, see Chapter 4.2 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2003 Part I (Simpson et al., 2003).

Biogenic VOC emission potentials (i.e. rates at \(30^\circ C\) and full sunlight) are included for four different forest types in the NetCDF file These emission potentials have unit \(\mu g/m^2/h\), and refer to emissions per area of the appropriate forest category. In addition, default emission potentials are given for other land-cover categories in the file Inputs_LandDefs.csv. The underlying emission potentials, land-cover data bases, and model coding have however changed substantially since model version v.2011-06. The new approach is documented in Simpson et al., 2012.


Landuse data are required for modelling boundary layer processes (i.e. dry deposition, turbulent diffusion). The EMEP/MSC-W model can accept landuse data from any data set covering the whole of the domain, providing reasonable resolution of the vegetation categories. Gridded data sets providing these landuse categories across the EMEP domain have been created based on the data from the Stockholm Environment Institute at York (SEI-Y) and from the Coordinating Center for Effects (CCE). 16 basic landuse classes have been identified for use in the deposition module in the model, and three additional “fake” landuse classes are used for providing results for integrated assessment modeling and effects work.

There are two NetCDF files included, one file on 5 km resolution over the EMEP domain, and a global The different landuse types are desribed in Simpson et al (2012).

Degree-day factor

Domestic combustion which contribute to a large part of SNAP 2, varies on the daily mean temperature. The variation is based on the heating degree-day concept. These degree days are pre-calculated for each day and stored in the file See Simpson et al. (2012) section 6.1.2.

NOx depositions

Areas with high NO deposition loads have greater soil-NO emissions. To include this in the model, a NetCDF file where pre-calculated N-depositions are included. The file made by the results from the EMEP/MSC-W model runs over a 5-year period.

Road Dust

Road traffic produces dust. These emissions are handled in the EMEP/MSC-W model in the Emissions_ml.f90 module. To include road dust, set USE_ROADDUST=.true. in config_emep.nml. There are two files included in input data, and include gridded roads and PM emissions over Europe, are global.

Aircraft emissions

In the EMEP/MSC-W model aircraft emissions are ‘OFF’ by default. They can be switched ‘ON’ by setting USE_AIRCRAFT_EMIS=.true. in config_emep.nml and download the data from The EMEP model uses data provided by the EU-Framework Programme 6 Integrated Project QUANTIFY ( However, before using these data a protocol has to be signed, which is why the data file can not be provided directly on the EMEP/MSC-W Open Source website. If you want to use aircraft emissions go to, click on ‘QUANTIFY emission inventories and scenarios’, and then click on ‘Register’. That page will provide information about the registration process and the protocol that has to be signed. Once you are registered, click ‘Login’ and provide user name and password. On the new page, search for ‘Emissions for EMEP’, which links directly to the Readme file and the emission data file in NetCDF format. Download the emission data file and place it in the input folder.

Surface Pressure

If USE_AIRCRAFT_EMIS=.true. in config_emep.nml, then in addition to the Aircraft Emission file, there will be need for a file, which is already in the /input folder. The NetCDF file consists of surface pressure fields for each of the months in 2008 called surface_pressure, and one field for the whole year called surface_pressure_year. All fields are given in Pa.

Forest Fire

Since model version rv3.9 (November 2011), daily emissions from forest and vegetation fires are taken from the “Fire INventory from NCAR version 1.0” (FINNv1, Wiedinmyer et al. 2011). Data are available from 2005, with daily resolution, on a fine \(1 km\times1 km\) grid. We store these data on a slightly coarser grid (\(0.2^\circ\times 0.2^\circ\)) globally for access by the EMEP/MSC-W model. To include forest fire emissions set USE_FOREST_FIRES=.true. in config_emep.nml and download the 2012 GEOS-chem daily data The data needs to be stored with units mole/day in a NetCDF file called compatible with the ForestFire_ml.f90 module.

Dust files

The annual ASCII data for sand and clay fractions as well as the monthly data for boundary and initial conditions for dust from Sahara are replaced with a single NetCDF file since 2013. This covers data for a global domain in \(0.5\times 0.5\) degree resolution.

The variables ‘sand’ and ‘clay’ gives the fraction (in %) of sand an clay in the soil for each grid cell over land.

The files are used by the module DustProd_ml.f90, which calculates windblown dust emissions from soil erosion. Note that the parametrization is still in the development and testing phase, and is by default ‘turned off’. To include it in the model calculations, set USE_DUST=.true. in config_emep.nml. The user is recommended to read carefully documentation and comments in the module DustProd_ml.f90.

There is also a possibility to include boundary and initial conditions for dust from Sahara. The input file gives monthly dust mixing ratios (MM - month, e.g. 01, 02, 03,...) for fine and coarse dust from Sahara. The files are based on calculations from a global CTM at the University of Oslo for 2000. To include Saharan dust, set USE_SAHARA=.true. in config_emep.nml.

Another source for dust is an arid surface. This is accounted for by soilmosture calculations in DustProd_ml.f90. Together with Soil Water Index from the meteorology files and permanent wilting point (pwp) from This file is global and NetCDF. See Simpson et al. (2012) section 6.10.

ASCII files

Natural SO2

Natural SO2 emissions (dimethylsulfide (DMS) from sea) are provided as monthly gridded files. The values are given at the surface in \(\mu g/m^2\) for each grid cell in the domain.


Emissions from volcanic passive degassing of SO2 are included for the active Italian volcanoes, Etna, Vulcano and Stromboli, and based upon the officially submitted data. To consider these volcanic emissions, we need to feed the locations and heights of volcanoes into the model. The input file columnsource_location.csv contains the geographical coordinates (latitudes and longitudes) and the heights (in meters) of the included volcanoes, while columnsource_emission.csv contains the emission parameters.

Since 2010 the EMEP/MSC-W model has also been used to model the transport of ash and SO2 from volcanic eruptions. In addition to data for passive degassing of SO2, the above two input files also contain locations and emission parameters for two recent eruptions of Icelandic volcanoes (Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 and Grimsvötn in 2011). In order to include emissions from these eruptions one needs to set USE_ASH=.true. in config_emep.nml.

Gridded emissions

The official emission input for the EMEP/MSC-W model consists of gridded annual national emissions based on emission data reported every year to EMEP/MSC-W (until 2005) and to CEIP (from 2006) by each participating country. More details about the emission input with references can be found in Chapter 4 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2003 Part I (Simpson et al., 2003).

Since 2015 different formats of gridded emissions can be used and mixed (with some restrictions) in the EMEP model under one common framework. The new emission system is described in emisnew. Here we focus only on the “old style” ASCII emission format.

Seven gridded emission input files (emislist.poll) are available in ASCII format for the following compounds: CO, NH3, NOx, PM2.5, PMco, SOx and VOC.

The gridded ASCII emission files contain 16 columns where the first column represents the country code (, the second and the third columns are the \(i\) and \(j\) indices of the EMEP grid, the fourth and fifth columns are the total emissions from low and high sources, and the last 11 columns contain emissions from 10 anthropogenic SNAP sectors ( and 1 source-sector called “Other sources and sinks”, which include natural and biogenic emission sources. The data are given with the \(Mg\).


Time factors for emissions

Monthly and daily time factors for emission of the 7 compounds (CO, NH3, NOx, PM2.5, PMco, SOx and VOC). There is one file available per compound in ASCII format.

The first two columns in the files represent the country code (, the second column represents the sector ( In the monthly files, the 12 consecutive columns represent the time factors corresponding to the months of the year. In the daily files there are 7 consecutive columns representing the time factor for each day of the week.

The file HOURLY-FACS includes factors for each of the eleven SNAP sectors for every hour (the columns) for each day of the week, see Simpson et al. (2012) section 6.1.2

Emission heights

A vertical distribution for the eleven SNAP sectors are given in the file EmisHeights.txt. The file has seven vertical levels, over the columns and the SNAP sectors given in the first row. Read more in Simpson et al. (2012) section 6.1.1.

Emission factor for scenario runs

Scenario run in the case of the EMEP/MSC-W model means a run to test the impact of one or more pollutants from a particular country.

Emission factors are applied to specified countries and emission sectors and can be set by changing the ASCII file femis.dat. This file can be changed by the users according to their needs.

The file contains several columns (the number is flexible). The first column represents the country code (, the second represents the sector ( where ‘0’ means all sectors, and then in the remaining columns one can specify which emissions to reduce. Here 1.0 means no reduction of the given pollutant (SOx, NOx, VOC, NH3, CO, PM2.5and PMco) from sectors of specified country. The number following the first text (“Name”) in line 1 (number 5 in the downloaded file) gives the number of pollutants treated in the file.

Chemical speciation of emissions

Many of the emission files give emissions of a group of compounds, e.g. NOx includes NO+|NO2|, and VOC can include many compounds. The information needed to retrieve emissions of individual compounds from these the gridded files is given in files labelled emissplit.defaults.POLL or emissplit.specials.POLL, where POLL can be NOx, VOC, etc.

The defaults file give the emission split for each SNAP sector (one per row, with second index being the SNAP sector), which is applied to all countries by default. For VOC this split was derived from the UK inventory of Passant (2002), as part of the chemical comparison project of Hayman et al. (2011).

The specials files are in general optional, and can be used to specify speciation for particular countries or SNAP sectors. The 1st column specifies the country code of interest, the second the SNAP sector.

If forest fires are used, then the file emissplit.specials.voc is required (not optional), and the country-code 101 used to specify the VOC speciation of forest fires in this file.

Lightning emissions

Emissions of NOx from lightning are included in the model as monthly averages on T21 (\(5.65^\circ\times 5.65^\circ\)) resolution (Køhler et al., 1995). The lightning emissions are defined on a \(64\times 32\) grid with 17 vertical levels, with global coverage, and are provided as 12 ASCII files lightningMM.dat.

Landuse definitions

For the vegetative landuse categories where stomatal modelling is undertaken, the start and end of the growing season (SGS, EGS, in days) must be specified. The calculation of SGS and EGS with respect to latitude is done in the module LandDefs_ml.f90. The parameters needed to specify the development of the leaf area index (LAI) within the growing season are given in the ASCII file Inputs_LandDefs.csv. For more information, see chapter 5 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2003 Part I (Simpson et al., 2003).

The file, designed to be opened with excel or gnumeric, contains a header briefly explaining the contents of the 14 columns. The first three columns are representing the landuse name, code (which are consistent with those in Landuse.Input file) and type (grouping of the landuse classes). The fourth column (PFT) gives a plant-functional type code (for future use), the fifth gives the maximum height of vegetation (m), the sixth indicates albedo (%) and the seventh indicates possible source of NHx (0 off/1 on, curently not used). Columns 8 to 11 define the growing season (day number), column 12 and 13 lists the LAI minimum and maximum (\(m^2/m^2\)) and columns 14 and 15 defines the length of the LAI increase and decline periods (no. of days). Finally, the last four columns give default values of foliar biomass and biogenic VOC emission potentials. See Simpson et al., (2012) for details.

Stomatal conductance

Parameters for the stomatal conductance model, deposition of O3 and stomatal exchange (DO3SE) must be specified. That are based upon the ideas in Emberson et al., 2000, and are discussed in Simpson and Emberson, 2006 and Tuovinen et al. 2004.

The ASCII file Inputs_DO3SE.csv provides land-phenology data of each landuse type for stomatal conductance calculations. The data are summarised in Table 5.1 in Chapter 5 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2003 Part I (Simpson et al., 2003).

The file contains a header with the contents of the file, with different factors needed for each of the landuse classes used in the EMEP/MSC-W model. The first two columns represent the landuse code (which are consistent with those in Landuse.Input file) and name. The next 22 values are different phenology factors.

Photo-dissociation rates

The photo-dissociation rates (J-values) are provided as lookup tables. The method is previously described in Jonson et al., (2001). J-values are provided as clear sky, light cloud and dense cloud conditions, and the model interpolates between these according to cloudiness from the meteorological input data. In the lookup tables data are listed for every 10 degree latitude at an interval of 1 degree zenith angle at every model height.

For the two types of cloud conditions there are one ASCII file averaged for each season (SS); 01, 02, 03 and 04. For light cloud the four seasonal files are called jcl1kmSS.dat, for dense cloud conditions the four seasonal files are called jcl3kmSS.dat, and then for clear sky four files called jclearSS.dat. In addittion there are two files for June called jcl1.jun and jcl3.jun.

Each file contains 18 columns. The first column is latitude of zenith angle and then the next 17 are the values for the model levels with the 1/s. For more details about these rates, please read Chapter 7.2 of the EMEP Status Report 1/2003 Part I (Simpson et al., 2003).

Site and Sonde locations for output

The model provides a possibility for extra output data of surface concentration for a set of specified measurement site locations and concentrations for the vertical column above a set of specified locations. These site and sonde locations are listed in the ASCII files sites.dat and sondes.dat files. These files can be changed by the user, this is described in sec-sitesonde.